Update 9/18/2023 *Added Chaotic Spear to Dungeoneering Store (200,000 Tokens) *Added Elemental Shield to Ironman Store. *Added Death Runes to Ironman Store. @everyone
Kii — 09/26/2023 10:01 PM
Updates: 09/25/23
Iron dragons now drop noted silver ore.
Cooking cavefish
Smelting Bars now only require 1 to 1 ratio so 1 iron 1 coal for example.
Drakes drop table has been updated, more alchables and money to be made.
Banker now at smithing in skiller island
Tree removed from 2 fishing spots on skiller island.
You can now smelt silver bars.
Amulet of immense wont break anymore.
You can now scatter infernal ashes
You can now 1 click gem to craft.
Removed logs and bars and bones from skilling shop "mine and cut your own"
Master capes shop is now at home outside, by fountain
Primial Hatchet required 99 to weild now requires 90
Primial Pick required 99 to weild now requires 90
DXP scroll last 1 hour, and doesnt stop when you log so make sure its used in the hour.
Addy and rune Dragons bars now noted, and you get 5-8.
Bank Size has been raised from 500-800.
Skilling Updates:
Skilling Point Shop Redone
Each of the skilling outfits in the shop will give bonus xp in the skill the outfit is required for.
Pickpocketing now has a 1 tick delay instead of 3
You can now teleport to wildy agility course ::wildycourse
Slayer Updates:
Daggnoths now count towards task
Slayer Point Shop has been revamped please let me know if you have any other things to add.
Wizard in runespan no longer there removed until furture notice.
Zulrah defence Green phase has been Lowered.
Removed wildnerness task npc from various locations
Removed shrimp fishing spot from various locations "useless"
Rock slug 3x mystic gloves drops now drops 1
[10:01 PM]
Kii pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages. — 09/26/2023 10:01 PM
Kii — 09/29/2023 8:00 PM
Updates 09-27-23
Immense Ring will not degrade
Items kept on death now showing, and its the same items that if you where in the wilderness.
Caskets from rock crabs now open and give 25k each open.
Elite void now has bonuses and extra bonuses but the bonuses depends on what helmet you are wearing. Range,mage or melee.
Assassin Drops Nerfed. The rares was to common.
Rev drops have been nerfed."yes we know how you been making bank"
Fire Giants now drop Dragon Scim
Can now get avas in slayer point shop 25pts
The following Bosses Drops have been nerfed.
Abbysal Sire
Primial Hatchet now has the correct lvl to be used in toolbelt
Primial Pick now has the correct lvl to be used in toolbelt
Slayer Update:
The following Npc have drop tables revamped to make slayer more profitable.
Hydra Mini ones
Bronze Dragons
Iron Dragons
Mithril Dragons
Abbysal Sire Drops have been Nerfed.
Donator Zone rework
Vip Zone -
Added bank booths
Delete some dream trees not needed.
Nerfed 'Key of rich" now more common to fight the boss
Added Scythe of Vitur to the VIP Boss Scythe been buffed.
Added Coal, Gold Mining mineral Deposits.
Added evil tree
Added Farming Patches-
Added Master Farmer
Added Rocktail fishing
Added Rev Portal to Zone it teleports you to revs outside the wilderness.
Added New zone for VIP donator boss and npc when you teleport in the npcs are east the boss is north, kill the npc until you get a key use on chest then run north to the boss
Added Firemaking log and banks -
Added Healer to VIP -
Crystal keys showing 1 slayer now fixed
Disabled 85 gnome agility course until further notice.
Treasure chest wont be spawned until fixed. has been disabled.
Smithing has been fixed. Before you could smelt ore. now you can