Welcome to Harmony! you've made it this far towards account creation!
Let me explain the modes and difficulties
EASY = You will have 125x xp rate, using this experience mode means YOU CANNOT obtain the completionist cape
Average = You will have a 70x xp rate
Hard = You will have 25x rate including a +3% drop rate bonus
Heroic = You will have a 3x xp rate with a +6% drop rate bonus
Realism = you will have a 1x xp rate with +10% drop rate bonus
Regular = You can interact and trade with other players
Iron man = You cannot interact or trade with other players
HC Ironman = You cannot trade with other players you also have 1 LIFE if you die you de-rank to regular ironman
Duo Ironman = You can partner up with another player you can also trade with your partner
To get to a current skill area click on an icon like this.
ALSO don't forget to ::vote every 12 hours for a reward and to help the server grow!!!